domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Leave the negativity: Stop self-critical dialogue

In life, I dare to say that all want to be successful. We all want to be masters of our fate, be autonomous and independent in our decision making. We want to possess power. The power of materializing what we want to achieve. On the basis of any decision, it is thought, is this thought that supports the functioning of our mind that is produced by the functioning of our brain. The brain influences what we think and what we think influences how the brain works. As Anthony Robbins conveys in his book: The Unlimited Power, our greatest power lies in the relationship we establish with us and how we structure our internal dialogue.

Our internal dialogue serves as the raw material for the functional structure of the brain. The way we shape what we say to ourselves, will create a set of neural networks in the brain that can play for us or against us. Inevitably the negativity or positivity that we take our life, is embodied in the neural network which is our brain and our mind creates. When we say we have this or that mentality, we are indirectly saying that the mind reflects a particular way of thinking. This way of thinking was rooted in part to the great influence that our inner speech is in the construction and guidance of our thoughts and consequent habits.

Internal dialogue is influenced by the belief system

As a sculptor uses a particular tool for carving stone or wood and then create the desired part, so does our inner dialogue. Each time silently verbalize a self destructive criticism and incisive, so it will leave its mark on the brain. Taking this into consideration, and knowing also that the brain is plastic (not rigid and unchanging as the sculpture), it is possible to propose ourselves to change. To make this possible, we have the notion that some beliefs may be self sabotaging a positive adjustment to life. We function as a whole, and as such, that the change process is effectively established is necessary to take several factors into consideration. One such factor, which plays a decisive role for positive change in your internal dialogue is the change of dysfunctional beliefs.

Beliefs are any ideas that you think are true about yourself, others, the world and its future. It is urgent to clarify what you believe, who you are, what you want, and why you want. Beliefs act as a beacon on a dark night, guiding you to fulfillment of their desires, or rather making it difficult to obtain.

Dysfunctional beliefs are similar to most cognitive distortions and dysfunctional beliefs can be considered cognitive distortions. However, not all cognitive distortions can be considered dysfunctional beliefs.

This is because the cognitive distortions:

     They are not necessarily bad, nor do they have to result in negative consequences. For example, an overly optimistic interpretation of a traumatic event can be a cognitive distortion, but it's not a bad thing, and can be a good thing.
     They are usually context-dependent, meaning that they make more sense when applied directly to a specific situation. For example, to extend a total failure as an error, this error must occur first. Therefore, the cognitive distortion (expansion) when the situation there (erred) also exists.

Dysfunctional beliefs, on the other side:

     Are negative and harmful by definition (dysfunctional).
     There are so dependent on context as cognitive distortions, as they may exist even when the situation does not exist. For example, a dysfunctional belief is that the emotion of anger is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. You can hold this belief, whether or not to experience anger.

Dysfunctional beliefs, cognitive distortions and also inevitably become entwined with our inner speech. Making it difficult to see what is dependent on what. It is more functional interdependence speak fair. However, we can not forget that your tool to change the dysfunctional beliefs is the restructuring of their internal dialogue. And the internal dialogue can only be changed effectively to increase awareness of their own dialogue and critical self-destructive.

The process to be considered will be: Monitoring speech, Identification of critical and self-destructive thoughts, followed by replacement of speech inappropriate and undesirable for a more assertive and functional.

This is the process that powers the restructuring of its internal dialogue for a self deprecating internal dialogue and positive enabler. In monitoring technique, it is important to be aware of what is looking to change, and who can do successfully, you should make use of your attention. By focusing their attention on their own discourse and to identify what has been damaged, it should redirect its attention to building the internal dialogue that wants to implement assertive. And then follow it!

The internal dialogue, ITS PAST AND ITS HISTORY

The past events, our achievements, our failures, mishaps, successes, disappointments, hurts, sorrows, joys, traumas, tell our story. Our history is inevitably made ​​of good times and bad. It is the relationship between these two distinct periods that allow to take stock of our past. This balance can promote or hinder our present and projected for the future. He may have come this day full of negativity, which was certainly forged in part by its internal dialogue of self destructive criticism, incisive and negative.

It is true that what he said to himself can not be changed, as well as the consequences of this discourse. However, what can be done is a redefinition of the past. You can look at the events and give it a different, more appropriate, more functional and constructive. Freeing yourself from past hurts, is also in a position to give the speech that may have contributed greatly to exacerbate the negative events (some other unavoidable promoted by you).

To change your future history is necessary to put in motion a process of change. It is necessary to restructure their internal dialogue. What we verbalizing every day for ourselves, and is embodied in actions or lack thereof, will build our history. If you are dissatisfied with your up to the present moment, change, do something different.

When taking stock of its past and senses that there is enormous dissatisfaction, turn to you, watch what you have said to himself, what he thinks of himself, as he looks to the world. You feel hopeless and sullen, points the finger at everyone and everything feels wronged and unmotivated? If so, consider that right now probably need to reevaluate the internal conversations and monitor what's said to himself. Try to see what kind of messages is implemented in itself and what effect they are having on your life?

If you want to change once the results, if you want to write a different story about the pursuit of its goals. If you want to promote your success and contribute to their happiness and satisfaction, change. In this process of change to be careful in choosing your words.


Happiness is a personal and subjective construction. And as any construction that can develop or build, it is supported by the brain. As I have been explaining, our brain influences and is influenced by how we relate with us, like the others and the world. And the way we relate is supported by how we express ourselves primarily by our internal dialogue. That is to say, that our happiness is influenced by what we say to ourselves, and how it does or does not feel good. Our consciousness is always listening to what we talking about, what we believe. And you must be aware of it. It is important to realize that everything you say to yourself (especially that which is embodied in stocks) is becoming a habit and the habit is replaced by "self-consciousness." In other words, out of habit you cease to be conscious of what they will say, what guides their behavior and attitudes. What would it be aware, at the mercy of self sabotage. It is at the mercy of a neural network specialized for the negativity, and consequently the thoughts from there will not be best suited to achieving happiness.

If you are unhappy with their past, their behaviors and attitudes have caused him problems and troubles in your life, now has the opportunity to change the course of its history. You now have the possibility to choose to be happy.

Certainly benefit from a change in his mental structure, which has been expressing negativity. Do not despair, change is possible. You have a plastic brain itself, which can be restructured to implement and construct ways of thinking that will facilitate the adaptation and adjustment to life that you want to build.

INTERNAL DIALOGUE AND RELATIONSHIP with shyness, self-esteem and self confidence

As we have to check our internal dialogue is present in almost everything that has to do with the expression of what we are. Inevitably, influences much of our personality traits and generalize it to our identity. Since what is at issue here is the expression of the inner speech negativistic, it address the impact that has on construction, or interference with concepts such as shyness, self esteem and self confidence. These three concepts are influenced strongly related to each other. Shyness and low self-confidence is related to some form of fear. The person feels fear multilevel triggering anxiety, which increases even more doubts about themselves, their performance and possible outcomes.


Shyness is rooted in fear, in an irrational fear of public speaking and being humiliated or ignored. A person will develop hypersensitivity, insecurity, lack of social skills and perfectionism. What we say and what we pay attention, we often turn attention to ourselves, some exacerbating factors such as excessive self-consciousness (one is very conscious of ourselves, particularly in social situations), the excess of self -negative evaluation (we tend to see us negatively), and excessive self-concern (we tend to pay close attention to all the things we are doing wrong when we are around other people).


In my view, one of the biggest impacts of internal self-critical dialogue revolves around self esteem, and unequivocally in the decrease of the same. A good self-esteem emerges from the positive self-image of ourselves, something that is so pro-active build. Self-esteem is not built into passivity, even when we think comes from external events, self-esteem develops in the real world, in our history. The aim is to build a solid, well built and it can only be achieved from within. And on the inside, is expressed in our internal dialogue. If this is too critical, bitter, biting, tearing our behavior, belittling derogatory adjectives with our self and our ability and skills, surely the outcome will be a destructive and self-esteem decreased.

Self confidence

Imagine that someone spoke to his ear, words of discrediting their capabilities, puts down words of a doubt, derision, an evil, injustice, discouragement and defeat, like: "You are the worst, you'll never get anything in life. "or" That's the best you can? "or" You know that you strive for more than you will not be successful. "would probably be very angry with that person, could contradict or attempt to prove that there was no reason, or simply yelling: "just to say barbarities" it is exactly this voice command to check if it is necessary to trigger that has been his own executioner, who has been his worst enemy and chose to let himself go in the current negativity, creating a distorted image of himself.

Restructure what you say to yourself. Encourage them to improve their weaknesses, learn to motivate yourself and become your best ally.


Fear causes a huge rush of adrenaline, which acts to protect us through a dual mechanism to deal with the uncomfortable situation, fight or flight. This ancient mechanism of protection of life, can cause us huge problems when generalized to the vast majority of situations, and may develop psychological disorders such as panic attacks, social phobia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, among others, or simply when a these fears causes drastic changes of functional disability in life, such as fear of failure.

Fear of failure

The fear of not being successful, has to do mainly with the construction of a dysfunctional belief, which is promoted by a kind of cognitive distortion, all or nothing. One is led to believe that everything always has to do well or else is a loser. Inevitably this dysfunctional and unrealistic belief is supported by the negativity of critical dialogue that supports the notion of failure felt by the person. It is urgent that the person realizes that his fear has been developed by negative experiences or the avoidance of situations that provided turn out to be successful, proving that it was the fear of failure. To reverse this disabling fear, it is necessary to address situations predispose to try. In order to feel more prepared to deal with fear, to develop a set of phrases and motivational support for applying the time to face what you fear. His speech has to be positive, constructive and guiding the task, thereby increasing the chances of being successful.


Anxiety is a form of anticipatory fear. The fear is that we do not have skills or abilities to succeed in bringing to fruition the desired goal. When we realize that a hazard is present or imagine that we can be put in question, anxiety manifests itself on the way to a wide range of physical symptoms and cognitive symptoms (thought of fear and disability). Anxiety has tremendous influence on how assign meaning to events and the perception that we may be successful or not, affecting the choices and decisions. For this reason, wields great power in the stimulation of internal dialogue destructive, fearful and negative. Anxiety itself is not negative, what can make you turn against us, is the interpretation of physical symptoms that we're feeling and consequent thoughts about the task at hand. If the interpretation is negative, and you assign a negative meaning, usually in the form of fear, the whole process of reasoning is facing negativity, entering into a spiral wildly disproportionate to the intended objectives: To be successful.


Depression is the psychological problems that suffers most from the dialogues of self destructive criticism. Depression is powered by a set of distortions in thinking (cognitive distortions) that leads one of a triad of negative thinking in a derogatory manner about himself, others and your future. The depressed person will build a rigid thinking and negative leading her to think things like: "I knew it would not achieve" or "I let another opportunity get away for a chance to succeed, I am doomed to not succeed." This mental pattern of reasoning leads one to not make efforts to get what he wants, thus worsening his depression. One way of dealing with depression is through the restructuring of thought that supports the restructuring of the internal dialogue.

HOW TO EXPRESS The Negativity?

As we have to prove the previous examples, the inner voice of self criticism shuts it down in negativity. You can express statements like:
     "Oh, I'm so stupid! "
     "Can not, I can never keep their mouths shut?"
     "Well, of course, the design is good, but I'm no Picasso!"
     "I'll never be good enough to play my (flute, guitar, piano, violin ...) in public."
     "Do not boast. Nobody wants to hear you talk about yourself. "

Such phrases echo like a soundtrack in your mind?

When we hear criticism of our parents or teachers the trouble message us and we had to have deliberately or minimize them. If you are depressed, anxious, afraid, decreased self-esteem, low self confidence or a problem at hand, it seems that these statements echo over and over again repetitively. But fortunately, you are now in possession of information extremely positive, empowering and hope, no longer have to hear it from someone and / or that negative voice that carries in his own mind.


If you guessed that criticizes itself without the help of others, and are discouraged when it comes to trying something new or when it is heading toward a challenge, took the first step to start doing something to reverse this destructive mindset .

Consider the impact of this: All we need to have a little courage to apply our talents to a new situation or challenges. Claiming your ideas in a meeting or show your creative side (either draw or write or play) or try to move to another team / promotion / or a new job, these things require an extra dose of confidence and courage. Yes, because you need to show what can and can do to be successful.

If you have been the target of extreme criticism of their parents or, worse, has come to believe in their efforts to do something new and different, their willingness to experiment may be eroded. Then, whenever your self take over criticism itself, echoing in your mind, you will be discouraged. Eventually, you undermine your own performance and may even leave frustrated, yes, because in some areas inevitably always ends up having to do something. Only that which takes place a priori have a negative charge, it hurt on a large scale. Repeatedly you will be torturing: "Do not make such a spectacle of yourself!" Or "Do not do show-off" or "Who told you you're good enough to try it?" When you triggers a pattern of negativity, the their thoughts tend to be lopsided to the downside, so if you hear the voice that gives her derogatory messages about yourself, when you have a chance to try something new, can be very difficult to get rid of self-criticism.

The voice need not be spoken. You can carry the silent voice to be ignored when attention or asked to show their parents work in the school, receiving no praise or reference to his efforts deserved. You can get into the habit of not recognizing their own achievements and minimize everything that performs well and successfully. Sometimes its reluctance to tell others how good your work is, it can be conditioned by past events of extreme coldness on the part of educators to convey him recognition about their successes. This responsibility may have inflated the idea emerged to perform a particular task well, that does more than his duty, it makes it impossible to raise your self esteem. This feeling of unworthiness, inhibits the self-respect and sense of accomplishment.


You may have learned, by force of circumstances, and be led to believe that accepting praise from others or to feel self-confident means you are vain. But probably this is a false construct. Cheer for a genuine achievement provides the courage to try to challenge ourselves to higher flights. When you praise, or accept genuine compliments, encourages herself and encourages others to stretch the limits, accepting a challenge, or do more. When children believe that their efforts make parents feel proud, do not stop trying. They strive to know more on what they earn more praise. If you know how to recognize their efforts and their performances of genuine achievement, certainly increases their motivation and puts more energy into the tasks and challenges that will face the right of life.

As I mentioned earlier, to identify the negative impact of discouraging internal criticism is necessary to first identify the negative voice in order for it and replace it with a positive voice. You have to use your logical thinking to make it happen. If your brain gets stuck in negativity, it limits the energy to fight, inhibiting its available resources which could bring advantage. You can begin the process of encouragement using your rational brain to identify the negative when it is heard, and create the willpower to stop the critical dialogue and replace it with a constructive discourse.

Present some steps you can follow in order to train their encouragement:

     Take a rational decision with the notion that self criticism is a waste of time and worse, discourages him to make efforts for success.
     Make the following reasonable choice: Believe that you will be more motivated considering the praise, rather than encourage it by criticism.

     Consider believe this truth: Make progress demonstrating effort and you deserve to feel pride in their accomplishments.

     Then make an agreement with yourself to see what happens when you work hard, or express some progress at work or a creative endeavor. (There is usually a positive result for a project, a relationship, an improvement of skills, etc.)

     Then see what you feel when you check your progress after the effort. (What you will notice is that you will feel good.)

     So if that inner voice begins to weave a critique of what you did is not good enough, replace it with a deliberate voice that says, "I'm making progress, and that's good. Can I try again whenever I'm ready. "

When you connect to the achievement of their performance, to feel well and recognizing how encouraged and motivated you feel to do it again or try again, certainly on track to eliminate the impact of self-criticism of negativity. You will feel more motivation and energy.

No matter the content of negativistic soundtrack that's on your mind, you now know you can replace it with a new slogan motivational, encouraging and legitimate. If you can choose what you focus on, can pick and choose what to hear in your mind, it may well be that internal dialogue that gives you courage, motivation and enables him to be successful.

Good conversations!


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